Saturday, March 31, 2012

Another great quarter

Sorry for the long delay between posts. We at the school have been very busy. We've had interviews for new students, my mom and sister visited, my in laws came for a visit and we wrapped up another quarter. It has a been what I would call a successful a quarter...the students have all progressed in their studies, and you can especially notice the difference in their English abilities, we've added new classrooms and we have some new business ideas for the school. We hope to further improve our s school with the addition of Bennon as the new Dean of Education and his wife Jana as a teacher, not to mention the other volunteers that will be here. I'm especially glad that Bennon will be here to help take some of the load off my shoulders and move the school in a positive direction. They are planning to stay at the school for two years! It wil be great to have a long term presence on campus. Now we are on our "Semana Santa" vacation. Classes start a again on the 11th of April. Happy Semana Santa!